Sunday, May 23, 2010

Floyd Landis flip flops like a fish in the water.....
Seriously, does he really think anything he says has any credibility? Does his conscience tell him anything about how he enticed people to stand behind believe in his gut-wrenching, heartaching version of how the world of cycling has done him wrong...
Let's see who he did wrong: His family? The cycling rules? Cycling team-mates? All those who contributed money to prove his 'innocence'? Lance Armstrong and the other cyclists whom he tried to throw under the bus....?
 I was one who tried to give the benefit of the doubt. I bought his book, and thought that there was a chance that he was unfairly accused-----but------oh geez. No matter how much I try to care, I just don't anymore.
Also, to any critics who think that Lance is guilty....the bottom line: innocent until PROVEN guilty. NOT assumed guilty...NOT "I don't believe anyone could do what he's done without drugs" attitude, or ... rumors...or "He just hasn't gotten caught" ... the proof is in the pudding. Show me the evidence that says otherwise.
 Lance has been through countless, unrelentless drug testing...even on-the-spot-no-notice testing...and has passed every test. He has fought the odds and welcomed challenges...and gives back to help others.
So, I say, and I say it proudly, ride on, Lance. Livestrong & Staystrong!

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